How to Get Rid of Allergic Rhinitis Naturally? 

Allergic Rhinitis haunts us, frequent sneezing, runny nose, painful headaches, and itchy eyes are a nightmare. Anyone devoid of age and gender can suffer from it. Many try various treatments but fail to get rid of them permanently as they focus merely on the elimination of the symptoms but not the exact cause of the disease, make sense right? Hence we are here today explaining to you a way of how to get rid of allergic rhinitis naturally with Ayurveda. Ayurveda’s main focus is on the root cause rather than the symptoms. So, let’s know about various Ayurvedic treatment methods that are mentioned below to get rid of allergic rhinitis naturally.

Herbs to Get Rid of Allergic Rhinitis

Include the following herbs in your daily diet to get amazing results:-

  • Amla in the form of amla candy, amla Swaras, or amla as a whole fruit. 
  • Lemon shots every day are another great dietary change you can make to elevate the immunity in your body. 
  • Turmeric is a golden-hued spice that has amazing benefits for allergic rhinitis. You can have it in the form of golden milk. 
  • Neem is rich in antimicrobial, anti-allergic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is highly recommended to consume or apply topically to get rid of allergic rashes. 
  • Ginger has good anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from nasal congestion and mucus accumulation.

Herbs play a key role in the elimination of the root cause of the disease as follows:-

  • Boosting the immunity to fight allergies.
  • Reduces the inflammatory reactions.
  • Enhances the capacity of digestion.
  • Eliminates the toxins from the body.

Herbal Remedies to Get Rid of Allergic Rhinitis

At IAFA Ayurveda, we provide below mentioned herbal remedies which are prepared by using various herbs mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of Allergic Rhinitis. These remedies are manufactured under the guidance of Dr. Sahil Gupta (Ayurvedic Allergy Specialist, CEO, and Founder of IAFA Ayurveda.

1. Haridrakhand Churna

The main ingredient Haldi, found in every Indian household, helps provide relief from symptoms like frequent sneezing, post-nasal drip, and nasal congestion by unblocking the nasal passages and boosting immunity.  

2. Sitopaladi Churna

It has immunomodulatory ingredients which are very useful in the treatment of upper respiratory diseases. So, it is widely used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis because its anti-inflammatory effects help in loosening the blocked mucus from nasal passages and its antihistaminic effect reduces the immune response to allergens. 

3. Abhrak Bhasma

Abhrak Bhasma is a great Ayurvedic formulation used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract and lung infections. It consists of calcined mica which is rich in various minerals. It has a wide range of properties, improves breathing, relieves cough and cold, enhances the Agni (digestive fire), and relieves breathing difficulties. It helps to get rid of allergic rhinitis instantly. 

4. Chyawanprash Rasayana 

It is found in almost every Indian household and most of the Indian kids have it once in their lives. It is the best ayurvedic formulation that has plenty of herbs that improve vitamin C in our body and aid in fighting the allergic reactions caused by external stimuli. 

Ayurvedic Procedures for the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

Along with herbal remedies and the inclusion of readily available herbs in your daily life, you can practice some ayurvedic procedures that are proven to treat and get relief from allergic rhinitis. 

1. Nasya Karma

Practising Nasya Karma daily by using a jal neti pot helps in expelling out the accumulated mucus from the nasal passages and reducing the inflammation around the nasal area. Nasya karma is a part of Ayurveda and we recommend many of our patients to practice it regularly to get relief from the haunting symptoms of allergic rhinitis. 

2. Nasya Dhoopana

Inhaling the smoke of some herbal medicines helps in getting relief from the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It further improves mental health by reducing anxiety and promoting calmness. Less stress means fewer triggers of allergic rhinitis. 

3. Steam Inhaling 

Steam inhaling infused with some potent herbs like turmeric, menthol leaves, or tulsi leaves can clear the congested nasal passages, and reduce the formation of mucus and the other symptoms of allergic rhinitis. 

Home Remedies for Allergic Rhinitis

  • Installing air filters in the home improves the air quality and removes allergens like dust and pollen from the surrounding environment. 
  • Consuming honey over time helps in building immunity against the pollen in your environment thereby reducing allergic reactions. 
  • Inhaling eucalyptus oil is a game changer in seasonal allergies, it opens up the blocked sinuses and nasal passages and reduces the formation of mucus. Add a few drops of oil to the steam and inhale it. 
  • Last but not least, staying hydrated, yes drinking enough water helps in the removal of toxins and viruses from the body in the form of urine, thereby boosting immunity. You know, a cleaner body is a more immune body.

Note:- It is always recommended that before using any herbs, herbal remedies, and home remedies or going for an Ayurvedic procedure, you must consult with an Ayurvedic Physician.

Wrapping Up!

We have provided you with a whole package of information on how to get rid of allergic rhinitis. Hope you have got to know how you can easily get relief from the symptoms and eliminate the root cause of the disease with Ayurveda. If we have missed anything, please feel free to add to the list by leaving your comments below. Stay with IAFA Ayurveda for more useful information on allergies and much more on your health.

If you have any queries on allergies, you can Ask Us and we respond to you professionally. Live an allergy-free life with IAFA Ayurveda.

About Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda.

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