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Best Treatment for Eczema in Adults – Natural and Ayurvedic

Eczema is a collection of conditions that cause skin irritation. Atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema is the most prevalent type of eczema. It causes the skin to become irritated and red. Many people’s atopic eczema is linked to their asthma or hay fever.

Atopic eczema often affects children, although it can affect anyone. Adult seborrheic eczema primarily affects people between the ages of 20 and 40 and is linked to yeast and fungal infections. It is a persistent condition that occasionally flares up.

People with eczema frequently come from families where allergies or asthma have run in the family. But Ayurveda has the solution for all. We at IAFA® provide the best treatment for eczema in adults with the use of natural and ayurvedic remedies.

Also Read:- What is Atopic March and How to Treat It?

Ayurvedic Concept of Eczema

In the thousands of years-old Indian medical system of Ayurveda, eczema is called “Vicharchika.” Lesions, Blisters, and inflammations on the dermal tissues are its defining physical features. It is a skin-related health problem. While inherited or environmental/chemical factors can cause eczema to develop, other factors, such as “Ahara Hetu,” or unhealthy eating habits like junk food and late meals, “Vihara Hetu,” or unhealthy lifestyle habits like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and engaging in excessive physical activity, and “Achara Hetu,” or mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, low moods, rage, and negative emotions, can make the condition worse. Eczema is characterized by itchy, irritated skin and pain from these symptoms.

Natural Remedies for Eczema in Adults

IAFA® suggests below given natural remedies for eczema in adults that treat the condition organically and eliminate its underlying causes: –

External Medications: –

1. IAFA 333 Cream

IAFA 333 Cream is a special herbal remedy created from a combination of plants with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-microbial qualities. Coconut oil is included as a fortifier, which is the best treatment for allergic skin disorders. This cream’s 3X composition makes it a fantastic eczema treatment. Sveta Kutaj, Sirisha, Nimba, Karanj Beej, and Coconut are some of the herbs in IAFA 333 Cream. Its herbs have antibacterial qualities that are good for the health of the skin. It is an effective herbal treatment for eczema because when applied topically to damaged skin, it heals irritated skin and reduces redness.

Method of Usage: Apply 3-5 gm IAFA 333 Cream over the dry and affected body part twice a day after E-5 oil application.

2. IAFA E-5 Cell Repair Oil 

IAFA® is offering you an ayurvedic remedy E-5 Cell Repair Oil made from coconut oil. This formula is 100 percent natural and free of additives, fillers, colors, etc. Under the rigorous supervision of experts from the Institute of Applied Food Allergy®, this special oil is made. Antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, and antiseptic qualities are abundant in these herbs. Regular use of it eases itching and cures eczema.

Method of Usage: Apply 3-5 ml IAFA E-5 Cell Repair Oil over the dry and affected body part thrice a day and during an allergic response.

Internal Medications: –

3. Bhoomi Amla Swaras

IAFA Ayurveda® reached the crucial conclusion that swaras do not include any harmful chemicals, making them safe to use as it has no adverse effects. Bhoomi Amla Swaras is the best, safest, most potent, and most effective swaras containing an herb called Bhoomi Amla Panchang Juice.

Dosage: 10ml twice a day with an equal amount of water after meal.

4. Haridrakhanda Choorna

Haridrakhanda Choorna is extremely potent and contains the herb Sarsangrah, which is particularly effective at treating Eczema. The herb’s antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities are particularly effective in treating eczema symptoms.

Dosage: 1 tsp twice a day with water.

5. Anthra Mithram Gulika

Ayurvedic herbs like Praval Panchamrut Ras, Piyush Villa Ras, Mukta Panchamrit Ras, Kutajghan Vati, Giloy Satv, Godanti Bhasam, Swarnmakshik Bhasam, and others can relieve dry, scaly skin are added to Anthra Mithram Gulika. These plants can be used to treat eczema and other skin disorders.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice a day with water.

6. Triphala capsules

IAFA® makes Triphala capsules using a pure extract of Bibhitaki, Haritaki, and Amalaki. These capsules can be used to treat skin conditions like atopic dermatitis. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that aid in treating eczema-related dry skin. It can help with several skin issues brought on by the autoimmune system since it activates your immune system.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice a day with water.

7. Skin Detox Tablet

Skin Detox Tablet is a powerful herbal remedy created by the Institute of Applied Food Allergy® professionals for the relief of skin diseases. Adhatoda vasica, Melia azedarach, Solanum surattense, Trichosanthes dioica, Tinospora cordifolia, etc., and Mahamanjistadi kwath that helps to treat skin problems caused by eczema are among the herbs used to this proprietary combination.

Dosage: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day with water.


We at IAFA® provide the best natural treatment for eczema in adults with conventional natural remedies like 333 Cream, E-5 Cell Repair Oil, etc. Contact us to get these natural remedies to treat eczema naturally.

About Dr. Sahil Gupta (B.A.M.S., M.H.A.)

Dr. Sahil Gupta completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda in Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) and Master’s Degree in Health Administration (MHA) India. He is Registered Ayurvedic Doctor & Vaidya in India having Registration No. 23780. He is the CEO and founder of IAFA. After completing BAMS, Dr. Sahil Gupta started practicing Ayruveda by giving prime importance to allergic disorders management. He became the first Ayurvedic doctor to cure Food Allergies through Ayurveda.

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