Allergy is a widespread problem that impacts people of all generations, including infants and the aged. The whole human body is impacted. Allergy is one of the significant aspects of conditions like Asthma which is severe if not treated promptly.
Pollution, poor eating habits, the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture, and other factors are the main causes of allergies. Although it seems like a little illness, our bodies are destroyed. Allergies typically affect the skin, eyes, nose, and lungs. It lessens the significance of life even though each individual’s symptoms can range from a minor allergy to a life-threatening condition. Serious allergic illnesses and sickness can result from frequent recurrence. To live a quality life, it should be treated quickly.
Atopy is the term used to describe a genetic tendency for allergy disorders. It creates an immunological reaction to pollen, pet, and even specific foods and makes your body susceptible to allergies.
The atopic march happens when a person grows older and experiences several atopic (allergic) problems. These atopic illnesses include atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, asthma, and food allergies (including those to milk, eggs, and peanuts). Atopic dermatitis, often known as eczema, asthma, and hay fever are the three diseases that make up the atopic triad.
Conditions in Allergic March
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the traditional starting point of the atopic march, which then advances to asthma, and allergic rhinitis (AR). Being aware of this triangle can especially assist people to keep an eye out for and manage their cases of asthma, eczema, and allergies. Food, domestic, herbal, and pharmaceutical antigens can trigger allergic reactions in humans.

Allergic March
The First Step of the Allergic March: Atopic Dermatitis
The first of the allergic trio to manifest is typically atopic dermatitis, sometimes known as eczema.
Numerous factors, including dietary sensitivities, airborne allergies, stress, fabric and chemical irritants, and even specific drugs, can cause eczema. Your skin becomes itchy and red when you have (eczema). Children frequently experience it, although anyone can get it. Atopic dermatitis is persistent (chronic) and recurs frequently.
The Second Step of the Allergic March – Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)
Another illness known more commonly as hay fever is allergic rhinitis. It is the second condition after eczema. Because of their numerous overlapping symptoms, such as watery, itchy eyes, a stuffy, runny nose, and sneezing, hay fever and the common cold are frequently mistaken for one another at first. Seasonal pollen is a major factor in the majority of allergic rhinitis causes. An allergic reaction to indoor or outdoor allergens, such as pollen, dust mites, or microscopic flecks of skin and saliva secreted by pets, and other animals with fur or feathers result in hay fever.
The Final Step of the Allergic March – Asthma
The final line of the allergic march is Asthma. asthma is an illness in which Your airways become narrow, swell, and create more mucus. This may make breathing challenging and cause coughing, wheezing when you exhale, and shortness of breath. Although asthma cannot be cured, its symptoms can be controlled.
Role of Food Allergy in Allergy March
In people with severe eczema, food allergies are more likely to result in flare-ups.
The following symptoms may appear shortly after consuming the offending food or up to days later:
- Itching
- Bump, dryness, redness, and
- The appearance of tiny lumps that can bleed and crust over
Ayurvedic Treatment of Allergic march
According to the diverse perspective of Ayurveda, allergic march results from an imbalance of the doshas, or bio-energetic principles, which control how our body and mind work. As with all Ayurvedic treatments, the secret to obtaining long-term benefits and alleviation is to focus on treating the cause rather than the symptom. Along with avoiding the external triggers of allergies, it’s critical to strengthen internal immunity through practices including a healthy diet, way of living, usage of some popular herbs, and restorative procedures.
According to Ayurveda theory, impurities like chemical additives and wrongly digested foods (called ama) are absorbed into the body, circulate the body [Srotas], and then settle in the skin, respiratory issues, and other tissues that are prone to allergies [Rasa Rakthadi Dhatus].
To live a healthy and allergy-free life, Ayurveda provides detailed guidance for avoiding probable allergens and hazardous chemicals. Allergic march can be managed with a healthy diet, herbs, meditation, and breathing exercises. For more assistance, contact us for a consultation now.